
Tips on Grocery Shopping Like a Frickin Pro

Grocery shopping is like an art- there's a grace involved, an ease that is both subtle and deeply emotional. It's also an extreme sport- it requires speed, stamina, and strength. It can take years to truly master. But you don't have that kind of time, do you? That's why this blog post is here- to teach you the art of grocery shopping, in less than five minutes. Some of these are 'life hacks,' and some are just helpful hints to help you shop with skill, so you can kill it like you're on Iron Chef when you get back home. Shall we begin? 1. You Don't Have to be Extra Can't afford Whole Foods and farmer's markets? Don't sweat it. Safeway and Costco have your back. They've got perfectly awesome grocery options, and your bank account will love you forever. Don't judge yourself for not being an artisanal foodie- that lifestyle's overrated. *This is actually a tip that I used in my last article , which explains how you can make...

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